streamlined onboarding.

plans and/or comprehensive benefit packages available.

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Committed to a robust and proactive client service model and educated in cost-containment strategies, our specialists help solve your benefit challenges by offering unique, affordable solutions.
Who We Are
BenAlliance is Here to Serve
Low-cost Individual Access
Did you know that you and your immediate family can have access to no-cost doctor visits from your home or workplace for a cost as low as $15 a month? Need virtual primary care, urgent care, specialists and mental health providers at your fingertips 24/7/365? We’ve got you covered.
Request your free quote today
Let us do the work for you
Get a quote or talk to an agent.
We Listen
Insurance is complicated, so let us help you figure it out. We will ask questions, listen to your needs and concerns and develop the most beneficial, least costly plan of action.
We Care
Client service and support are a top priority. It’s a pretty simple concept; if you are happy, our business grows. We are here for you when you need us and we’re just a phone call or an email away.
We Innovate
Always on the lookout for the newest products and services, you can be sure to be alerted when something beneficial for you, your family or your employees becomes available.
We Educate
Staying on top of the latest changes to current health care laws is a full-time job. We send you monthly email updates on changes that might affect you, so that you don’t have to worry about finding the information yourself.
We Advocate
When a client is in crisis, we will advocate for that person/family with the insurance company and/or medical providers to find the most reasonable solution.